Standalone version / Questions and answers

Technical questions

System requirements

Work requires usual LAMP server. No need to use any specific software or hardware. If you have a corporate site you most likely have everything that is essential for launch of stnadalone version. See more about System requirements.

How does launch proceed?

After purchase you get archive with installation package. The archive content will be uploaded to your web server. You should open the site in browser and launch setup wizard. Once all questions of wizard are answered, the system will be ready for operation. As a rule, the whole setup process takes not more than 10 minutes.

Can I install standalone version of Simpoll as additional section on existing site?

Only as subdomain. I.e. for example, your site address is Then you can install standalone version on, but not on (word "surveys" is used for example only and can be any other).

Can I change source code ?

No, you cannot. Source code is delivered closed; its decompiling is forbidden and won’t bring any proper results. However, you can change the design according to your preferences.

Why is source code closed?

Shandalone version is based on the same code as service itself. Therefore, we have to prevent any analysis of the code from third parties in order to ensure security of service users.

Can I use Simpoll Standalone version as a basis for development of my own software product?

No, you cannot. We are against this kind of application. We do not permit also to modify any software parts. The version should be used only “as is”.

How can you guarantee that our data is not sent to third party if your source code is closed?

The guarantee is our reputation and the fact that any competent system administrator would easily detect unauthorized sending of data.

How independent is standalone version?

It is completely independent. It does not contact our servers in any way (even for license check). Standalone version can work even without access to the Internet — e.g. for carrying out of polls inside the company only (in this case the site will be launched in local network of the company).


Can I use my own logo?

Yes, you can. You can upload your logo to be shown in interface of Standalone version through the control panel. Besides, you can change the site name there.

Can I change interface design?

Yes, you can. All files setting design of the system are delivered open and can be edited. You can change system design as you like.

Can I translate the system to another language?

Yes, this is technically feasible. One language file contains all phrases used in interface. This file can be translated into other language, if necessary.

Can I carry out polls in different languages?

Yes, you can. Same as cloud service, Standalone version enables to use any language for the poll. The set includes five languages.


What is the difference between Standalone version and cloud service of

Within the terms of functionality there is no difference between them. You and your users will be able to use all available functions of Simpoll. The only difference is that the system of Standalone version will operate in your own server. All data collected by you will be stored at your side and you can dispose of their protection and application according to your needs.

Are there different plans for users of Standalone version?

No. All users will have full access to all features.


What are capabilities of Standalone version administrator?

Administrator has Control panel for keeping track of system use statistics (number of polls, users, etc.), adding new users and editing existing ones, editing of polls, basic setting of the system (access to database, mailing system, etc.).

Updates and support

How often are new updates released?

We release updates as soon as we have a package of several new functions for introduction. Updates correcting critical errors (if they occur suddenly) are released within one day. Service updates correcting minor errors and defects (if they are detected by users) are released within a month.

How updates are installed?

You can check availability of new updates by following the link "Check for updates" on "License" tab in "Settings" section in Control panel. Besides, all users will be notified by e-mail, as soon as a new update is released. Automatic check for updates is not supported, since we aim to provide complete independence of standalone version. This version never contacts other servers, even for check for updates.

How technical support is provided?

Support is provided in ways and within working hours specified in Contacts page.

What kind of support is provided for purchasers of standalone version?

Support concerning installation, setup, and correction of possible errors (including errors arisen because of user's actions) is free. This support is provided within one year after license purchase. If necessary, support can be prolonged after this period upon conclusion of additional agreement.


Can domain name be changed after license purchase?

Yes, it can be, provided that product is deleted from the old domain.

Can I setup everything on local computer and then port it to server?

Yes, you can. When ordering you can specify localhost domain (or any other local domain). Contact us for getting the key for real domain if you want to port the system to server —.

What does the license include?

The license enables to use Simpoll standalone version on one domain name (site) selected by the customer. License cost includes one-year technical support and access to updates. When this term expires, support and updates can be prolonged by conclusion of additional support agreement.

What is the term of license validity?

License has unlimited term. You can use Simpoll standalone version as long as you want.

Can I lease Simpoll standalone version?

No, this is prohibited by license. Only private use within one company (including branches and representative offices) is permitted.