2. Poll setup for API operation

Every poll has «API» tab on «Parameters» page with the following fields:

Enable sending of results: Yes/No

This parameter should be enabled for data exchange between the poll and your website

Result sending method: POST/GET/JS

Selection of one of data sending methods listed in 1.2 section. If POST or GET are selected, then the following field will be shown:

URL for result sending: Result URL

Address of script on your site to which data will be transferred by POST or GET method. Should be specified together with protocol. Not used if result sending method is selected as JS

Send results of the respondent: Yes/No

If this function is enabled, then the array of questions and respondent’s answers will be sent to Result URL together with other parameters

Use control signature: Yes/No

If this function is enabled, Simpoll will require control signature in parameters sent by your site. Data sent to Result URL will be signed as well. Mechanism of generation and control of signature will be described in this guide further.

Control signature key: line

Secret character set which will be known only to you and Simpoll. Used as «salt» at control signatures generation